Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform

The Drug Market
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In the United States, the fall in retail prices for cocaine and heroin has occurred over more than a twenty year period. Figure 1 shows (inflation adjusted) prices for a pure gram of cocaine and heroin for the period 1980-2003.
As will be discussed in the policy section of this report, what is striking about these declines is that they have occurred during a period of massive increase in incarceration of sellers of cocaine and heroin. Nor are the falls found for every drug. Cannabis prices remained fairly constant over the period 1998-2003, increasing just slightly in inflation adjusted terms, though that may reflect a rise in potency. (from the Global Illicit Drug Markets 1998 - 2007)

Figure 1: Cocaine and heroin prices, United States, 1980-2003

(Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004)