Gino Vumbaca, President of Harm Reduction Australia writes in the Huffington Post about Australia’s flawed drug policy and offers five changes that would make a real difference. They are: Decriminalise...

Address by Rev’d Peter Walker

...of deep public concern that we cannot overcome our apathy, and governments cannot find the courage, to risk trialing something new. It is not right that the Families and Friends...

‘President’s Remarks’ by Bill Bush

...see that day. We will hear today from Adriana Buccianti who will speak of her son. I honour her presence here and others who have summoned the courage to speak...

Address by Sir Ronald Wilson needed to assuage the deep loss of a loved one. Viktor Frankl was a Jew who spent time in a Nazi concentration camp. In his book MAN’S SEARCH FOR...

FFDLR Newsletter September 2021

...will be available soon. However please set aside the date – Monday 25 October around midday. Letters to the Editor Published in the Canberra Times Letters to the Editor page...

Marion McConnell

...this incident her son died from a heroin overdose at the age of 24. Her story can be read in “the Drug Law Wars: Twenty years of families fighting at...