FFDLR Newsletter August 2009

...National: Research into addiction Inmate pleaded for bail before his death US removes ban on funding NSPs A Misguided ‘War on Drugs’ Pharmacotherapy Maintenance Treatment in Australia Newsletter August 2009Download...

FFDLR Newsletter February 2009

...up across the city ‘My thoughts on anti-social behaviour’ by Colin Hales Radical alternatives proposed for cannabis controls Battling drugs in Afghanistan APSAD Annual Scientific Conference 2008 Newsletter Feb 2009Download...

FFDLR Newsletter April 2009

...real about drugs Published letters: ‘Take the amphetamine market away from bikies’, ‘Opium out problem’ A Comparison of the Cost-effectiveness of the Prohibition and Regulation of Drugs Newsletter April 2009Download...

INjustice reinvestment

...our remembrance ceremony in October, the government is committed to “a health based approach and support [of] 0people rather than a criminal justice approach.” The Corrections Minister applies the moniker...