2022 – 27th Annual Remembrance

Program-2022Download https://www.ffdlr.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Marion-1.mp4 Marion’s SpeechDownload https://www.ffdlr.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Mackenzie.mp4 Kenzie-FFDLR-Oct-2022-Final-copyDownload https://www.ffdlr.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/MichaelP.mp4 PetterssonAddressDownload https://www.ffdlr.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/SarahB-1.mp4 27th-Families-and-Friends-Remembrance-ServiceDownload...

FFDLR Newsletter September 2022

...-2026 https://yoursayconversations.act.gov.au/act-drug-strategy-action-plan-2022-2026 The draft ACT Drug Strategy Action Plan 2022-2026 (the Action Plan) is open for public consultation, submissions can be made up until 5pm Monday 24 October 2022. Please...

 FFDLR Newsletter July 2022

...Legalise Cannabis’ forum in Sydney, June 23  Community Consultative Forum on ACT Drug Law Reform, 30 July 2022 (Possible Decriminalisation of Certain Illicit Drugs in the ACT)  The ACT Churches Council...

FFDLR Newsletter May 2022

...provide opportunity to open discussion and gauge the sense of commitment. When FFDLR began in 1995 ‘drug law reform’ was little spoken about in polite company. There was very little...

2020 – 25th Annual Remembrance Ceremony – video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVI0uFuKtjQ Many thanks to our friends at Fair Treatment Australia for livestreaming this event. Program 2020Download Wilson Oscar and Julian Juhas’ talkDownload Jennie Ross-King talkDownload Rev Simon Hansford’s talkDownload...

2020 – 25th Annual Remembrance Ceremony

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVI0uFuKtjQ Many thanks to our friends at Fair Treatment Australia for livestreaming this event. Program 2020Download Wilson Oscar and Julian Juhas’ talkDownload Jennie Ross-King talkDownload Rev Simon Hansford’s talkDownload...

Reflections – Jan Lee

...questioning, always being just a little bit naughty, always the brightest and most vocal in her school classes. She was a finalist in the Primary Schools Public Speaking competition and...