Β FFDLR Newsletter July 2022

...often below what people would usually possess for personal use. This is of some concern to FFDLR. The present trafficable amounts were developed following research, commissioned by the ACT Government,...

FFDLR Newsletter September 2022

...certainly worth listening to. https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/lifematters/what-happens-when-we-decriminalise-drugs-/101389420 The ACT will soon become the first jurisdiction to decriminalise the possession and use of illicit drugs. It’s a pivot to treating drugs as a...

FFDLR Newsletter November 2021

...will want to target this community because they can move their product quite easily”. Our gathering saw the world very differently. The very policy changes we welcomed, the AFP Commissioner...

FFDLR Newsletter September 2021

...Legislative Assembly has organised a workshop – Common Cause. Common Cause are based in Canberra and specialise in communicating progressive approaches to policy. Further details later in this newsletter. Keep...