FFDLR Newsletter November 2021

...efficient than domestic drug law enforcement – the most effective form of drug law enforcement. Heroin assisted treatment in Switzerland produced a reduction in drug trafficking and drug use and...

FFDLR Newsletter September 2022

...certainly worth listening to. https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/lifematters/what-happens-when-we-decriminalise-drugs-/101389420 The ACT will soon become the first jurisdiction to decriminalise the possession and use of illicit drugs. It’s a pivot to treating drugs as a...

FFDLR Newsletter September 2021

...far and wide as you can.  As well Uniting organised a polling in NSW  which shows changed attitudes towards punitive drug policy. Johnathan Davis, a Greens member of the ACT...

 FFDLR Newsletter July 2022

...below. Recommendation 4 states: The ACT Government should review the drug possession limits in the Bill to ensure they reflect the evidence on patterns of consumption for personal use. The government...