Uniting Fair Treatment Campaign

FAIR TREATMENT  (www.fairtreatment.org) Our organisation is a partner in Fair Treatment – seeking an Australia where no-one dies from drug overdose, and everyone can get appropriate help when they need it. Partners include over 60 not-for-profit organisations – health, medical, legal, enforcement, user, family support, Aboriginal and others. The campaign advocates especially within NSW and ACT for two aims: more resources going towards treatment and other harm and demand reduction strategies, and personal drug possession and use being treated as a health issue – needing treatment, not arrest and imprisonment.

fair Treatment’s poignant feature documentary film has been shown all over NSW, ACT and many places beyond. It tells stories of participants in our walk from Dubbo to Sydney in support of better treatment options for people in rural and regional Australia. To host a screening to a local or target community, click here. Please consider how we might best reach people who are reticent or unconvinced and change conversations about drug use and policy.

Fair Treatment’s revamped website has links where people can pledge support and urge others to do the same; share stories of lived experience (anonymously if they want); host a screening, or find the nearest screening coming up nearby.